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Neck Stall,颈部后侧停球,这是一个侧重于表演的花式技巧,实际比赛中应用不是太多,也常作为花式表演组合的中间动作,前后衔接动作可以有各种变化。 它的基本动作要领及训练方法如下(更为详细的Neck Stall训练介绍): 1. You need to throw the ball straight up above your head. 2. Straight your back, put your arms out and keep your chin up. 3. The key to this trick is having your arms close to your head, and get your elbows higher than your back and hold still 4. The key to this trick is having your arms close to your head, and get your elbows higher than your back and hold still. 下面的视频演示了它的基本动作要领: |
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