
  Head Stall,利用头部停球/吸球,头球在足球比赛中应用也是非常广泛,是足球比赛中射门得分的一个非常重要的手段,但实际比赛中很少将球停住,只是用它来停接球或直接射门得分为主,偶尔也会将球停住一小段时间或者用头部颠球前进。
  1. First using your hand place the ball on top of your head (near hairline). You need to find the "right" spot on your head.
  2. Keep your head as still as possible. If you move your head a lot the ball with FALL. If the ball moves forward move your head & body forward that's how you balance it.
  3.When you can balance the ball on your head, try throwing it up with your leg. Try to throw the ball up at the same height as your head.
