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One Legged Rainbow,单脚彩虹弧线过人技巧。 它的基本动作要领如下: (1)Use your strong leg and place that leg on the the top front end of the football (i.e the front edge in the middle). (2) Press the ball hard enough until it comes up spinning above your heel. This is the key part, but a bit difficult so you will need to practice this a lot of times. (3)When the ball reaches till above your heel, try to hit the ball so that it comes flying like a rainbow above you. 建议每天练习至少50次,一个礼拜左右应该就差不多能掌握了。 下面的视频演示了它的基本动作要领: 视频中的动作解释: (1)Place the foot on the ball. (2)Move the foot on the ball forward quickly and stamp on the ground to get the ball up (Press the ball). (3)Hit the ball with your back heel |
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